Sunday, December 02, 2012

Sundays results

With all 3 matches having to cope with breaking the ice this morning before fishing commenced    weights were predictably low though everyone caught....there was  a crisp chill in the air with ice reforming as they fished ....however though cold the sun shined bright throughout the day ...

Sunday Open/Stepfield

1. Bob Oakley...Colchester Bait and Tackle...peg 24...52lb
2. John Shepherd...Colchester Bait and Tackle..peg 18...42lb
3. Paul Chambers..Browning Wickford...peg 26...37lb 4oz
4. Gavin Bridges..Cariers...peg 22...27lb


1. Gary Upjohn...peg 25...56lb 8oz
2. Graham Oggin..peg 22...34lb 8oz
2. Ian Wright...peg 35...34lb 8oz
4. Pat Cooper..peg 37...34lb


1.Ronnie Whiteley...peg 15...26lb 8oz
2.Dave Chipperfield.Jnr. peg 14...19lb 8oz
3.Dave Chipperfield Snr....peg 33...19lb


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